To start with there were 3 of us. Now we number over 300
We have grown at this rate because we believe in respect.
Arredo3 rests on the work of many: the founders with their vision and sense of purpose; the loyal staff members who are the sum and substance of the company and constitute its wealth of skill and knowledge; the youngsters who bring a fresh outlook and spirit of initiative. And then there are our business partners, and, of course, all the customers who choose Arredo3 for their homes.
So it is that we create something unique every single day and export it to over 50 different countries worldwide. The Italian market continues to be our chief concern, but there has been considerable growth on the foreign market over the past few years. And our international adventure has only just begun.

Design culture: Italian-made harmony and finesse
Because in Italy beauty is a religion.
This is why Italian manufacture and design are so superlative. But here at Arredo3 we are not content to just stick on a made in Italy label. Design culture permeates all we do, and it necessarily requires knowledge and talent. But it also means old traditions, spectacular landscapes and beauty everywhere you turn. We soak up all that surrounds us and plough it back into our products and design, exporting our longing for even more beauty throughout the world.
Receptive and open-minded, we quickly pick up on brand-new trends and carry out constant research into vanguard materials and mechanisms. This approach has given rise to kitchen designs that can be adapted to the individual taste and sense of beauty of our customers. Kitchens as unique as you are.

We always think about the impact of our actions
Which means that we believe in across-the-board sustainability.
We know that our activities have an effect on the land around us and the environment. And, since we have chosen to conduct our manufacturing activities in the place we live, we are even more sensitive to ecological systems and invest in sustainability projects. We make sure that we reduce the environmental impact of the materials we use and we power our production lines with renewable energy sources.
But the word sustainability lends itself to more than one interpretation. For us, it extends to economic sustainability, making sustainable choices and ensuring the well-being of our workers and anyone who uses our kitchens. It means keeping the promises we have made to all those who interact with Arredo3 in any way at all.

At Arredo3, industry 4.0 and innovation go back to 1999
We have always thought that technology is a vital aid and a way to further the results of the work ethic we so passionately believe in.
From the onset, our story has been informed by industriousness and enthusiasm as we found ways to improve our business with technology. We were one of the first to earn the right to define ourselves part of the industry 4.0 revolution way back in 1999. At the time, we introduced the first numerical-control machinery for cabinet-door processing. Many others would follow over the years to come.
Today they are all interconnected and regulated by a graphic management system which evolves constantly. Orderly and efficient, the whole factory plant boasts high levels of automation. It is a place where people work well and can make a real difference. Innovation, in the true sense of the word.